
ACATM Membership

Whether you are interested in accrediting and certifying your business and profession, developing your business and knowledge, strengthening your network, furthering your career or in need of some quality and professional friends, ACATM can be a great option for you. In addition to providing information about your chosen field ACATM can enhance your personal and professional development and provide endless networking opportunities.

The membership year for all membership categories is 12 months from the date your application is approved.

ACATM Membership Benefits

Networking: ACATM may offers courses, conference, seminars and workshops. These would be opportunities for you to socialize with others in your professional field.

Job Fair: There is some job fair where you can make contact and stay up to date with the HR people who are responsible and looking for right employees.

Extend your knowledge: Staying informed on your industry’s trends will only help you in the long run and will put you one step ahead of the competition. With ACATM courses, conference, seminars, workshops and webinars to keep themselves and their members up to date on the latest innovations, research and trends.

Mentoring: Mentoring is the foundation of ACATM when it comes to working with younger members. You may never get in the room with someone at the top of your field, for a very long time. But ACATM has the ability to pare you with someone much more knowledge and experience.

Leadership: ACATM gives you an opportunity to develop your skills as a leader, and this is important not only for your personal growth, but for your growth in your business as well.

Improve Your Network: Networking is a very important key for the leaders of the community. Making connections is critical and joining ACATM gives countless opportunities to connect on a local and global level. Creating professional relationships is important and joining A ACATM allows you to have a sense of security, trust and confidence. You’ll be able to support and help one another in reaching your professional goals and be a professional leader in the field.

Give back to the community: ACATM coordinate socially conscious initiatives to support community efforts. We make sure to be plenty of options internationally for members to choose for if members are looking to give back. ACATM provides you with an avenue to “give something back” to the profession, perhaps by presenting at one of our events or by authoring an article in online journals. While this in itself is an admirable thing to do, it’s a win-win transaction as it also raises your profile in the professional community.

Make a New Friend: Use ACATM clusters as an opportunity to escape the norm and meet new professional people that may give you a reason to come out of your shell a bit more and have fun and do business as well.

B2B: Business-to-Business, which is a model that focuses on selling products and services to other companies. Think of it as a supportive enterprise that offers the things other companies need to succeed or get a leg up on the competition.

Professionalism: It might be the most skeptical of reasons to join, but there’s no doubt that membership of ACATM is seen as “A” plus by prospective employers. Your association with the brand sends the message that you are serious about your profession, and you are willing to put your money where your mouth is.

Bonuses: Most of ACATM services offers for members only either free or with substantial discount that easily covering the cost of membership.

Awards: ACATM also sponsors for Recognition Awards, Achievements Awards and Leadership Awards. These awards are important because they shine a light on outstanding work that should be showcased but might otherwise have remained undiscovered. Our professional awards honor organizations and individuals whose passion, talent and expertise make the greatest contributions to the field of profession. You can honor the recognition, achievement and leadership, when you nominate a project, program or individual for one of these prestigious awards. The awards recognize organizations, products, projects, people, books and articles.

ACATM Annual Conference: Enjoy discounted member rates that allow our members to present research and project activity attend professional workshops, go on tours, and network with leaders.

  • Use ACATM Certificate and Recognitions internationally.
  • Unlimited Reputable Representation.
  • Participate in ACATM’s Member forums.
  • Use “ACATM Member Logo” in your websites, business cards, catalogs and other publication – as long as you are active ACATM member.